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Thursday, February 10, 2011

That Dang Bully

I have been taking some really hard looks at my life lately. There are some things that I really don't like. One of the TWO biggest things is that I am a BULLY. That truth hurts. I have always considered myself a defender of the weak and a advocate for the lost... what a load, Ask my baby brother, he will never say it but I was horrible to him when he was little. I lost a lot of good times and good chances to be a good brother and I ruined it. There are people to this day that maybe not as overtly as when I was younger that I bully. I have recognized my pattern and it  is really easy to say that I will work on it, however if I am going to place myself in the way of Grace and proclaim myself a follow of Christ, then there has to be significant change in my behaviors.  I know a few things, my Father is Mighty to Save and there is nothing to great for him to do. I know it is hollow on a blog, however I am very sorry for those of you that I have harmed and I guarantee that a change is a foot.
 2 notes
#1 the other change is something that is a small seed is planted
#2 I apologize for the pause between blogs, life sometimes interupts, thank you for your patientce

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