Funny question, but do you believe that God speaks to you. I don't mean this to be a academic question, but an actual question question. I believe that the Lord has spoken to me at least three times. Once I have mentioned in a previous blog. The other two are a little crazy. The first time was years and years ago. I was in church one day lost in my own thoughts and at the time I was a smoker (no longer) I was asking myself the question, why do people consider smoking a sin? I got a direct and immediate answer and since it didn't come up as something I had ever thought about, it left me considering the Founder of the Universe and the King of eternity answered me... little ole nothing me. The answer was "When you want ME more than a cigarette it will no longer be a sin." WOW! I mean what do you do with that? I ignored it. I can be a little petulant sometimes. The last time I believe God spoke to me was exactly one week ago today. I had a really bad day at work and with the baby coming and all the crazy spinning out of control my life is right now, as a matter of fact the storm that my life is and I heard the Father speak again and not for the first time amidst a storm. "Oh ye of little faith, remember last year when you sat in your little duplex and said will we ever have our own home, and here you are, or when you said will I ever be able to pay my debt and a year later your debts are paid, as a matter of fact I have blessed you even more immeasurably with this baby I have chosen for you, when will you have faith?" KABOOM I can tell you this time I did not ignore him. This time I chose to obey and be thankful. I fasted for three days and re dedicated my life and soul to Him and now... I listen.
Do you ever hear from him, or have you I would love a comment or a note about this. As I grow in this process as a writer, Christian and man, husband, father I feel the need to reach out for any feedback, growth tips, advice or just whatever. Thank you in advance sorry so wordy and needy sounding..
Peace Out and God Bless
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