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Sunday, January 2, 2011

More of an introduction really...

Ok so a few basic things your going to need to know. #1 I don't really expect anyone, except my wife and sister to read this. I am using this blog tool to arrange some thoughts, pour out some feelings and maybe at some point write a book. About the whole book thing we will see, so no pressure. #2 I am not a pastor a preacher, a musician, a writer, a poet, a philosopher, a hero, or anything else "special". The world is full of "special" people, the ones you look at and think... wow that guy or gal is really touched by God, how special they are... I'm not one of those, however I truly believe that I am married to a person like that and have some kids that fall into that category. But I am hardly biased on that point. #3 I love ... which has a technical name of ellipsis. It is an indication of an intentional omission... why do I include that in my "basic things" you need to know, cause I love them and I will use them all over the place and more than not improperly. I know what they are and I know what they mean so no need to say "does this guy know what he is doing?" generally no, but when it comes to a good ellipsis I do know what and why I am doing and get over it if you have a problem with it...

Now about me. My sister is a Fruit Basket, I am more an assorted chocolates kinda guy. My blog name is Power Shower, why is a great question, it goes back to a conversation with a friend of mine that in summary I told him he needed to watch out or  would rain down a shower of power on him with my right hand, and jokingly told him that one day when I become a UFC fighter that my fighter name would be Perry "POWER SHOWER" Johnson, it made me giggle that day and does still to this day. I am probably like everyone in the world and very hard to label. I am a husband, father, Christian, adulterer, sinner, fighter, loner, rebel, Ive been a drunk, but not an alcoholic, a drug user, but not addict, a neglecter of the gifts that I have been given and more, most of what I am or have been is negative. I have been a horrible son to my father, I neglected my mother during the last years of her life, I have been a horrible husband to my ex wife and a poor father to my kids. My wife now, I feel like I have done a lot better, however if anyone knows my talent of screwing things up it is me. All these things I say about myself because I don't want anyone to ever say that I am not real or that I put on about who I am, I know exactly who I am, as I have been driving the whole time. Now having told you who I am I left out a very KEY group of words to describe me. I am a child of GOD, not a god, or even the pop tart god that people try to pigeon hold my GOD into. I am a child of Yahweh and his eternal Son Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus Christ came to this world 2 thousand ish years ago and lived a sinless life and was sacrificed for that life. In HIS sacrifice our sins were washed away and when he rose three days later Conqueror of death our salvation was earned and that in Him and threw Him we have been washed clean and that we are pure threw Him to enter our Fathers Kingdom.
If there is any ambiguity left to who I am please ask and I will clear it up for you. I am not a Sunday Christian, or an Easter/Christmas Christian, I am a follower of Jesus 7 days a week 24 hours a day. I am not perfect, not even close, as a matter of fact I suck at life, but my job isn't to be perfect, Jesus took care of that my job is to do my best, and to point you and everyone else to Jesus. I will never be a bible thumper, or a person that throws judgments, not my place and like I said my job is to point to Jesus, the judgmentalists in the Christian world do the opposite and show people how to run from Jesus and that btw is counterproductive in my opinion...

Ok so I just realized that I was going on a bit and I apologize, there is more time for more posts later. I hope that anyone that decides to follow me on this journey has some thick skin and understands I am not writing for them, but for myself, I love you guys and hope to see you soon. Yours, P.

1 comment:

  1. Your honesty brought me to tears! Love you, brother. Who you are is really okay with me. We may not have always gotten along, but I have always loved you!! And always will.

    And I think the ellipses thing is genetic. I do it all the time, too.
