Fear is a funny thing... my sister wrote a blog around this recently and I struggled with it mightily last week. I absolutely felt my whole life was crashing in, the sky was, as they say, falling. The specifics are not important, however I haven't felt so helpless or closer to giving up in my whole life. Life isn't supposed to be easy, bad things happen, what I have learned last week is that as soon as there is a crack in your faith the enemy wiggles in, I originally posted that the enemy tries to wiggle in, I changed it because if you worry, the enemy is there. I honestly wish I could remember who said "worry is irrelevant and irreverent" but they nailed it on the head. Worry and fear are not tools of our Father.
Lessons that I have learned with a week(weak) of fear.
1. be a good steward.
2. be a good father
3. you can't outrun trouble, just deal with it.
4. the enemy will attack you when you are relevant to the Kingdom
5. attack sucks but it is pretty cool to warrant one.
6. there is a battle raging, the prize your soul
7. everything can be taken from me, but my faith that God is who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do.
If anyone stumbles across this post would care to comment on what they have learned from fear, or how the light has shined through the darkness I would love to hear it. God Bless see you soon.
Been there, done that!! Made it thru with Faith!! It is a powerful thing!!