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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Maybe Paul was on to something...

I have been inspired for a while now from a passage in 1 Corinthians(1:28 to be specific) I would love to quote the text, however there are so many rules around quoting scripture I find it easier to not. But for those of you with out a bible nearby to paraphrase (I've always wanted to say perryphrase but I digress) God chose us the lowly sinners and "dummies" to teach the learned and the proud of what the Kingdom is, was, and will be. The reason for this in my humble opinion is that mankind in general needs to learn that it doesn't matter what degree you have, or where you went to school, or if you even went to school, what matters is that rich, poor, sinner one and all and its only through grace that you get in.
If I was to ever write a book that is where the foundation is. That pastors, you guys are a dime a dozen, worship leaders, same thing, famous singers, writers, speakers etc. etc. etc. We the "dummies" we think you are all amazing and we tend to flock to you, but we have no idea how to live this life for the Kingdom, we didn't go to seminary, we don't know Latin, or Greek or Aramaic. What we do know is that we need to find a way to live after we invite Jesus into our hearts. We need to find actions that we can do. We need to find a way to move the Kingdom...
Please don't misunderstand, and if I offended, well I tend to do that sometimes... The problem and the passion I have is how does an average Joe get to the Kingdom and move it. There are many books and solutions and seminars for that answer, but none of them was written by one of "US" And to say I wrote this book based on "average people I know" the same to me as saying I wrote a book on grief after I met a guy who lost his mom...
Anyway I am rambling and I apologize, I just think we the average person making a dime and trying our best need help from someone who is us to finding and keeping Christ. 
My first official tip for the average person... READ THE WORD... not as a chore, or a assignment. My next blog will be all about reading the Bible, but to keep yourselves out of trouble find a Bible and read it, don't have one get one, can't get one email me and I will buy you one, don't want to do that  then download (free) youversion is the one I carry on my pda's. Anyway read the Gospels, read it all and realize if it isn't in the Bible it just ain't true. Anyone claiming to speak for Jesus had better have a Biblical back up.
See you next time

1 comment:

  1. I think the other part of the equation is prayer. All it has to be is a conversation with God like you would talk to anybody else. It doesn't have to be a formal, long-winded, speech. You build a relationship with anybody by talking to them, it's the same with Christ. It can be as simple as "God, please show me what You want me to learn today" before you pick up the Word and read. But all very good points.
